Pandora RC Subaru WRX STI
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Pandora RC / PAB-3187 / Subaru WRX STI
- Width: F195 - R199mm
- Wheel Base : 257-260mm
- 1/10 use
- The product is non-painting
- Body made by polycarbonate
- Decare & masking is attached
- Front & Rear bumper (anomalous style parts)
- Front & Rear light parts attachment
- Front canard parts attachment
- The image of the publication is a painting example
- The sale product becomes the clear body
- The accessories such as a mirror or the windshield wiper are not in the product
- Made in Japan
- SUBARU trademarks and body designs are properties of FUJI HEAVY INDUSTRIES LTD. and used under license to WadakigataKougyou CO.Ltd
* The photo is an example of a painted work, and there are cases where parts, decals, etc. that are not included are used.
You can download the masking pattern here: Masking Pattern Download List / Explainer Video
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